Both by international and national laws aim to shield and protect children everywhere from premature sex. However, some argue that historically and all over the globe children have been objects of sexual fantasy and exploitation. The idea that children should be protected from sex – either being ...
Dallaston, ElizabethMathews, BenAdelaide Law Review
Queensland teachers' new legal obligation to report child sexual abuse Legislative amendments commencing in 2004 impose a new obligation on teachers and staff in Queensland schools to report known or suspected sexual abuse of a student by a school employee. The obligation to report this class of ab...
2020 in Ayutthaya, Thailand. As the COVID-19 pandemic halted global tourism, elephants and their mahouts (trainers) working in sanctuaries and camps throughout Thailand found themselves out of work. As income for mahouts evaporated, more
Separate research and ethics processes were sought and approved by state departments (Victorian Department of Education and Training, NSW Department of Education, and Queensland Department of Education). Although the Commonwealth has robust attendance data through the Childcare Subsidy system, this data ...
Introduction Alongside increasingly permissive sociocultural attitudes and laws surrounding cannabis,1 past-month cannabis use among pregnant US women increased by 106% from 2002 (3.4%) to 2017 (7.0%).2 Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the psychoactive component of cannabis, crosses the placenta and interfa...
(Matthews et al., 2015). Psychologists working in certain occupational fields or government departments i.e. school/family counsellors are mandated in New South Wales, Queensland, South Australia, Australian Capital Territory and in the Commonwealth court systems; whereas in Victoria and Western ...
Last night the folks at the Anaphylaxis Campaign kindly offered up one of their experts to answer specific questions on the new EU allergen labelling laws. Today they’ve put together a handy FAQ guide to deal with some of the issues that came up. See here for more. It covers everything...
Areed, W.D., Price, A., Arnett, K., and Mengersen, K., Spatial statistical machine learning models to assess the relationship between development vulnerabilities and educational factors in children in Queensland, Australia,BMC Public Health, 2022, vol. 22, no. 1, p. 2232. ...
the capital of Queensland, was founded.During the thirties a settlement at the head of the bay, called Port Phillip, was named after Lord Melbourne and it became the capital of the province of Victoria.Adelaide, the capital of South Australia, dates back to the same period, but Perth, the...