Child Welfare Information Gateway. nd. Sexual Abuse Prevention Programs. http://www.childwelfare.gov/preventing/programs/types/sexualabuse.cfm. Cohen, Michelle & Jeglic, Elizabeth L. 2007. Sex Offender Legislation in the United States: What Do We Know? International Journal of Offender Therapy and...
Using a vignette approach, two studies examined the impact of three factors on judgments of parental competence: target parents’ sexual orientation,
See:Lydia Murdoch,Imagined Orphans.PoorFamilies,ChildWelfare, and Contested Citizen-ship in London(New Brunswick:Rutgers university press,2006).Dekker,“Children at Risk in History”.Paul Smeyers,“Child Rearinginthe‘Risk’Society:Onthe Discourse of Rights and the‘Best...
Hand-in-Hand - A Review of First Nations Child Welfare in New BrunswickRichard, BernardWhalen, ChristianDaigle, JenniferLeblanc, MiguelMacdonald, NancyBedard, Michele
doi:10.1111/plar.12339Naomi Glenn‐Levin RodriguezHobart and William Smith CollegesJohn Wiley & Sons, LtdPoLAR: Political and Legal Anthropology Review
Fifth, problems that public centers such as the Child Consultation Center and Child Welfare Center are facing will be detailed. These problems include the shortage of staff members who provide consultation to children and their families and of the facilities and housing to provide a safe environment...
In our own era, likewise, despite the availability of universalistic ethics (a characterisation that fits consequentialist as well as deontological systems) and their application, for instance, to a heightened concern for animal welfare, it is apparently consistent within virtue ethics for a man of...
However, at the turn of the 20th Century dialogue between those working for children’s protection and welfare took on a fully transnational character. This was a vital step towards the instantiation of the vulnerable child victim as an international object of institutionalised humanitarian effort. ...
Refugee children are identified as rights-bearers by the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), but their rights are not uniformly honored in the policies and practices of contemporary states. How the CRC’s safeguards for refugee ch