Child/Teen therapy & training | Marriage & Family Therapist | Play Therapist | Collaborative consultation & training to other professionals. Call (925) 890-7478
A 1994 California lawsuit by Gary Ramona was the first case in the United States in which an alleged abuser won a large damages award against the therapist who had treated his child. Ramona's daughter Holly had filed suit, accusing her father of sexually molesting her when she was a child...
Given the number of elements in the TO protocol and the level of specificity required for their application, it is not surprising that the research on the use of TO by parents and teachers often fails to meet fidelity to the TO process requirements (Drabman & Jarvine,1977; Riley et al.,...
However, the sessions involved verbal interactions among the child, the therapist and parents that may have been perceived as lengthy, boring and not relevant, particularly for children with a significant cognitive impairment. When asked how the meetings were, one child said, ‘Talked a lot, yes,...
I would highly recommend Will to anyone seeking a therapist who is not only exceptionally skilled but also deeply caring and committed to making a real difference in the lives of both children and their families.--- Date of experience: October 24, 2024 UsefulShare EN Emma Newland 1 review ...
The therapist, having never spoken with the father, appeared as an "expert" witness to inform the Judge that the mother should be the primary residential parent and that the father needed to be in therapy.One angry mother manipulated teenagers to leave anonymous threatening notes at the ex-...
Whether you experience mental health challenges or not, it’s never too early to prioritize your mental health. For teens, this might meantaking a break from social media, seeing a therapist, and, in some cases, taking medication prescribed by your healthcare provider. It’s all about finding...
At the start, the therapist explains the purpose of the meeting and encourages the parents to view the mental disorder from the child’s perspective. The therapist talks to them about possible impact of the mental disorder on their children and family life and discusses with the parents possible...
2004), wherein the relationship with the therapist is key (Clausen et al. 2012). Moreover, adolescents are likely to receive the most invasive and stigmatizing mental health services such as inpatient and residential programs, while not always receiving community based services before this (Mc...
If your child tested as delayed in speech, then your child would be eligible to receive Speech Therapy either at home, one on one with a Speech Therapist, or at a center. A child could be eligible to receive services such as: Speech Therapy, Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Special...