Firmin’s (2020) contextual safeguarding framework identifies the value and significance of peer relationships as well as the risks, vulnerabilities, and interventions within the social, geographical, and digital spaces used by children and takes into account the weight of harm emanating from specific ...
Genome-wide association mapping in a wild avian population identifies a link between genetic and phenotypic variation in a life-history trait Understanding the genetic basis of traits involved in adaptation is a major challenge in evolutionary biology but remains poorly understood. Here, we use g.....
Moreover, the BELLA study is an observational study that only identifies associations and no cause–effect relationships. In our analyses, we used only single items to investigate mental health care use; future research may wish to investigate mental health care use in more depth. Conclusion With...
Even without being a creep, he is senile and belongs in a retirement home with 24 hour care. Reply Raven 3 years ago In Europe nobody identifies as ‘white’ but, as French, German, English, Danish, etc. they just happen to be ‘white’. It’s more of an attribute, not an ...
Sometimes, the close attention of the champions identifies easily resolvable problems - one girl could not see from where she sat at the back of the class because she was short-sighted. Her champion arranged a trip to the optician. At other times, a trivial incident might lead a pupil to ...
It is bad enough that grown adults run around in animal costumes, but hey, live and let live. What truly disturbs me is that definition does not accurately describe the mental gymnastics one must participate to explain how we have come to a point where a child "identifies" as a cat, ...
. This highlights the need to build knowledge about factors that support the implementation of collaborative alternative responses. IPA was introduced into Queensland's CP legislation in 2005, during a period of significant reform (see Tilbury & Mazerolle, 2008). The legislation identifies IPA as ...
If a new well is too close to the parent well, its fractures will grow asymmetrically toward the lower stress, creating a drainage area that largely overlaps the area already depleted by the parent well. Thus, the child well’s initial production will be markedly lower than that of the pare...
“If you can take yourself back to that time in your own life, identity is vitally important,” says Dr. Kathy Anderson, pediatrician. “How a person identifies and how a child who is becoming an adult identifies is vitally important to how that child as an adult does short and long ter...
Prior research indicates that lower resting-state functional coupling between two brain networks, lateral frontoparietal network (LFPN) and default mode network (DMN), relates to cognitive test performance, for children and adults. However, most of the r