An exercise in collaboration The Home Child Care Association of Ontario (HCCAO) represents more than 70 licensed Home Child Care Agencies which provide...
In Ontario province, for example, $3.7 billion, COVID-19-related funding was provided early in the pandemic to help families pay for extra costs associated with school and daycare; offer support to Indigenous peoples and communities; provide temporary emergency supports for people in financial need...
Ontario One child protection agency has received reports about 27 children from teachers during the pandemic. During the same time last year, there were 158 such referrals (White, 2020). “There is an acute concern happening right now [because] … the eyes of the community are not on our ...
Ponti M, Bélanger S, Grimes R, et al; Canadian Paediatric Society, Digital Health Task Force, Ottawa, Ontario. Screen time and young children: promoting health and development in a digital world. Paediatr Child Health. 2017;22(8):461-477. doi:10.1093/pch/pxx123PubMedGoogle...
Funding/Support: This study was supported by a Connaught New Researcher Award from the University of Toronto (Dr Wade). Role of the Funder/Sponsor: The funder had no role in the design and conduct of the study; collection, management, analysis, and interpretation of the data; preparation, ...
After the birth of my second child, I got a job at a restaurant. Having worked with an experienced___for a few days. I was___to wait tables on my own. All went___that first week. When Saturday night came, I was luckily___the tables not far from the kitchen.___, I still fe...
When suicidal behaviours are identified early intervention is crucial (Miller et al., 2013), alongside long-term support (Plunkett et al., 2001). Public health models for suicide prevention such as outlined in Hughes et al., 2023 provide a framework for promotion, prevention, treatment and rec...