Since 1959 Childhelp has existed to meet the physical, emotional, educational and spiritual needs of abused, neglected and at-risk children.
1969年,美国加州(California)成为美国(乃至西方世界)第一个适用无过错离婚的州,在此之前,获取离婚的唯一方式是证明对方配偶存有过错或因对方配偶的不当行为而导致婚姻完全破裂。一般情况下,准予无过错离婚的理由通常为:无法相处(Incompatibility)、无法协调的差异(Irreconcilable Differences)、或婚姻完全破裂(Irremediable Br...
Defending Fathers Rights for Over Two Decades We specialize in the area of California County-enforced child support cases. We have successfully handled California cases where the non-custodial parent (NCP) resides out-of-State. We are also experts in the areas of Back Child Support (Arrears), ...
For whatever reason, if a couple separates and they have one or more children the state of California has child support laws in place to protect the health and well-being of the children.When deciding to split, parents must consider how the divorce (or legal separation) affects them and th...
Child support payments are typically made directly from one parent to the other. In some cases, especially those involving the Department of Child Support Services, payments may be made through the State Disbursement Unit. California has various enforcement measures for unpaid child support, including...
It has been adopted in one of these forms by all Amer- ican jurisdictions and is v. Superior Courtof California, the United States Supreme Court held unconstitutional the assertion of ,e 32personal jurisdiction by California on this ground without any contact with the state byMelli, Marygold ...
When one parent earns far more than the other, the court may make an upward adjustment in child support to avoid a “prince and the pauper” situation where the child lives in luxury with one parent and in poverty with the other. When the court takes such factors into account, or if th...
Supreme Court upheld California's presumed father statute as a rational method of protecting the integrity of the family against challenges based on the due process rights of the father and the child. A presumed father must pay child support. UNWED FATHER An unmarried man who impregnates a ...
Can a parent still receive California child support when there is joint custody? Yes. The State of California believes that both parents have a duty to provide financial support to a child. When one parent has sole physical custody, the non-custodial parent is usually ordered to pay chi...
Parents who are supposed to pay child support often cannot, or choose not to for a variety of reasons that are not legally recognized.