Nevada’s laws on child support payments, including arrearages, are covered in Chapters 125B and 130 of Nevada Revised Statutes. While state agencies are available to help, you may wish to consult with an attorney if you have questions about how these laws apply to your specific situation. ...
Wage garnishment is when a portion of the payor spouse’s paycheck is sent to the payee spouse until the child support arrearage is satisfied. A certain percentage of the noncustodial parent’s net wages, typically around fifty percent, will be garnished from his or her paycheck. This is th...
Report arrearages to the credit bureaus and other consumer reporting agencies Garnish the non-custodial parent's income, which includes wages, salaries, worker's compensation, disability and pension payments Restrictions on Income Garnishments TheConsumer Credit Protection Actrestricts how much money can ...
This book offers example after example of real life NCPs who have overcome enormous obstacles in the process of paying their obligations and will teach the reader how to do the same. Find out why the child support enforcement administration had to: dismiss a $56,000 arrearage of a so-...
Many single parents and the children living with them are economically vulnerable, in part because nonresidential parents often do not provide financial support, even when legally obligated to do so. These unpaid orders are referred to as arrearages. In 2013, only 68.5% of the $32.9 billion ...
If you already have a child support order(s), just enter the start and end dates of the order(s), the order amount and calculate all charges for the period. You can enter payments, if any were made, and an interest rate; then press Calculate. A spreadsheet will be generated showing ...
In October 2023, Macomb County Prosecutor Pete Lucido said about 7,500 people in the county owed at $5,000, totaling about $37 million in back child support. The sheriff's office said the sweep resolved 60 warrants with $1.2 million in child support arrearages. ...
The general rules in effect as of October 1, 2000 are that child support collected during the time a family receives cash welfare belongs to the state; current child support and arrearages (past-due payments) that are owed to a family that is no longer receiving welfare belongs to the ...
child support as an “obligor” and the person to whom child support is paid as the “obligee”. This article will address different kinds of child support such as current child support, retroactive child support, medical support, uninsured medical expenses and child support arrearage. Child ...
Id. Child support is later defined: [t]he term "child support", when used in reference to the legal obligations of an individual to provide such support, means periodic payments of funds for the support and maintenance of a child or children with respect to which such individual has such ...