Although there is general agreement among psychologists that babies are genetically programmed to learn language, there is still debate about Chomsky’s idea that there is a universal grammar that can account for all language learning. Evans and Levinson (2009) surveyed the world’s languages and f...
Psychologists call this phenomenon “ghosts in the nursery,” by which they mean that our children stimulate the intense feelings of our own childhoods, and we often respond by unconsciously re-enacting the past that’s etched like forgotten hieroglyphics deep in our psyches. The fears and rage...
Instrumental in the early development of an approach toward improving the reliability of classification of psychiatric disorders was a small group of clinical scholars (e.g., psychiatrists, psychologists) from the psychiatry department of the Washington University in St. Louis. This group of scholars,...
Developmental psychologists have occasionally criticized fairy tales for being brutal, cruel, frightening, and unrealistic portrayals of the world (Sale 1978). However, arguably these tales have served an adaptive function in preparing children for fear and, more important, teaching them to cope with...
In particular, anthropologists and cross-cultural psychologists have emphasized the extent to which children in face-to-face subsistence societies—such as the Tannese, with whom we worked for this study—learn through observation and hands-on participation in everyday social and economic activities ...
Meanwhile, the object of the review that we have performed covered work practice of professionals of different occupations (psychologists, lawyers, educators, etc.) including social workers who work in CW field. A narrower occupational focus in selected studies did not contradict the goal and the ...
Child sexual abuse (CSA) is a global social problem that has a negative impact throughout the victim’s life; therefore, it is necessary to prevent CSA as a protection for children. The study aimed to identify the literature on CSA prevention interventio