Externalizing symptoms among children of alcoholic parents: entry points for an antisocial pathway to alcoholism. J Abnorm Psychol. 2007;116(3):529–42. https://doi.org/10.1037/0021-843X.116.3.529. Article CAS PubMed PubMed Central Google Scholar Hussong AM, Cai L, Curran PJ, Flora DB...
Google Share on Facebook Child (redirected fromchild neglect) Also found in:Dictionary,Thesaurus,Medical,Legal,Encyclopedia,Wikipedia. For tax purposes, the term child includes the taxpayer's son, duaghter, stepchild, eligible foster child, or a descedant of any of them, or an adopted child. ...
My grandparents made wine in the cellar, and while everyone (except the kids) drank, it was obvious that my grandfather was alcoholic. 25 Years in this county and he did not speak one word of English – only his native Italian. Many a time he’d be escorted into bed or another room,...
The first research study retrieved using our search strategy was by Twitchell and colleagues in 2001 [34], which examined the genetics of child aggression among offspring of alcoholic fathers. Until 2006, childhood aggression was examined in association with particular psychiatric disorders, such as AD...
parent-child relationshipsalcoholic mothersalcoholic fatherschildren's functioningfather's long-term adaptationThis study examined the extent to which children's health status and child–parent relationships affected the severity of problem-drinking parents' alcohol use disorders, as well as the parents' ...
to seek forgiveness. I have been on the receiving end of that call – T, the person with whom I lived in the early 70s, the drug dealer, the alcoholic. To be honest, I really can’t remember what I saw in him, was it entirely an act of rebellion on my part, or maybe, and mo...
Indicate whether the statement is true or false. Children of alcoholic parents are more likely to become alcoholics themselves. Finding something attractive or unattractive, desirable or undesirable is the basis for the belief component of ...
There is strong evidence to show that the quality of parenting that a child receives during the earliest years of life can have a significant impact on the developing parent–child attachment relationship (Wolff & Ijzendoorn, 1997), and on the child’s social, emotional, and psychological ...
My father was an alcoholic, which resulted in an absolute mess in our family including physical and abuse in my parents' marriage. I was five years old when my parents divorced. My mother worked day and night to support the family. This left me with a lot of time by myself. I never...
Dear Daughter of an Alcoholic: It is so tempting to treat our 16 year olds as though they are adults. They are tall, intelligent, and will be leaving home in two short years. Furthermore, they typically are pushing hard for independence, and may act as though they no longer need us or...