The article offers tips to ensure a child does not fall prey to childhood obesity. Topics discussed include nutritional disorder, metabolism, diseases associated with childhood obesity, and long-term ill effects of childho...
“The latest data show that 1 in 6 young people in the United States are obesity!”–Paul Ebeling Here are some recommendations that can help all children grow up healthy, tune in… A new study published in JAMA Pediatrics found that the prevalence of obesity in American children and adolesc...
1 Knowing what’s causing the obesity can help with weight loss. So, here are 7 possible causes of obesity and how to deal with them. 1. Working Parents Or A Single Parent What’s your work got to do with your child’s puppy fat? Probably, everything! Working parents or a single ...
“Because of the increasing rates of obesity, unhealthy eating habits and physical inactivity, we may see the first generation that will be less healthy and have a shorter life expectancy than their parents.” Can We Prevent Birth Defects by Genetic Screening of Parents?
Equally of concern is the obesity epidemic in this age range (16% are overweight or obese, and 30% describe themselves as overweight). Studies have clearly demonstrated that the likelihood of an overweight/obese teen successfully losing excess weight and maintaining their healthy weight is less ...
Keep your child safe while online with these tipsWhere you can get help Keeping kids safe from the harmful side of the internet is a big task. Doubly so in a world where smartphones offer unmonitored access to everything from graphic adult content to gambling sites. And that’s not the ...
Managing and Treating Child Obesity Weight-loss medication options for children are limited and rarely appropriate. Instead, lifestyle and behaviour changes are more effective. For younger kids, controlling portions and reducing sugary foods can help. As children grow taller, their BMI may naturally ...
Brain, cognitive and behavioral development early in life are strongly linked to health outcomes later in life, including cardiovascular disease and stroke, high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity, smoking, drug use and depression.
< 2 SDs below the mean: underweight > 2 SDs above the mean: obesity In children with normal development, examination, and no evidence of rapidly increasing FOC, macrocephaly is most likely benign (e.g., due to familial macrocephaly). If parental FOC suggests a genetic contribution to a chil...
What else does the CDC recommend to help keep kids in school safely? “Vaccination is the leading public health prevention strategy to end the COVID-19 pandemic. A growing body of evidence suggests that people who have completed the primary series (and a booster when eligible) are at substant...