Prenatalmortalitymaybeasmuchastentimes higherthanthatofinfantsborninindustrialized countries:theinfantmortalityratemaybesixto twentytimesgreaterthanthatoftheindustrialized regionsofEuropeandNorthAmerica;thedeath rateamongpre-schoolchildrenisalsouptoten timesashigh.11/29/2022 4 Furthermore,intechnicallyunderdeveloped...
according to the WHO, noting that a child born in Somalia today is about 16.5 times more likely to die before the age of five years than a child elsewhere. The UN health agency said Every Breath Counts aims to reduce pneumonia and diarrhea-related morbidity and mortality among children under...
While the possibility exists that these children did not have asthma but simply cough associated with an acute illness, the large number of patients and their high rate of purchasing maintenance medications make this interpretation less likely. The quantity of medications purchased by parents of ...
The global mother and child healthcare market size reached USD 904.5 Billion in 2024. Looking forward, IMARC Group expects the market to reach USD 2,427.8 Billion by 2033, exhibiting a growth rate (CAGR) of 11.01% during 2025-2033. The market is driven by the growing adoption of digital ...
overall rates of death and disability increase dramatically between middle childhood and late adolescence (Dahl,2001,2004; Patton & Viner,2007). This has been described as the “health paradox of adolescence” (Dahl,2004, p. 3). Increases in morbidity and mortality during adolescence are primarily...
Previous research has generally found lower wellbeing levels among parents of autistic children that were related to fewer positive and more negative parenting behaviours. However, these relationships have not yet been studied before a formal autism diagnosis is given. The present study investigates well...
MATERNALANDCHILDHEALTH(MCH)4 Furthermore,intechnicallyunderdevelopedcountrieshalfofthetotalmortalitymayoccurinchildrenunder5yearsofagecomparedtoonly5%incountriessuchasUnitedKingdomandSweden.Thispatternofdeathandillhealthextendstowomennotonlyintheformofmaternalmortality,butalsointheformofmorbidity.Maternalmortalityreaches...
Prenatalmortalitymaybeasmuchastentimes higherthanthatofinfantsborninindustrialized countries:theinfantmortalityratemaybesixto twentytimesgreaterthanthatoftheindustrialized regionsofEuropeandNorthAmerica;thedeath rateamongpre-schoolchildrenisalsouptoten timesashigh.4/28/2021 4 Furthermore,intechnicallyunderdeveloped...
Child marriage, defined as marriage before the age of 18 years, is associated with various forms of adverse health and socioeconomic outcomes, including maternal and child mortality and morbidity, sexually transmitted infections, intimate partner violence, lower educational attainment, and a lack of ...
Mothers have been found to rate their grief feelings higher than fathers following the death of an infant [109]. It is not clear, though, whether women experience these reactions more intensely or whether men experience bereavement in a way that is not measured by the assessment instruments comm...