Hornor G. Child maltreatment: screening and anticipatory guidance. Journal of pediatric health care : official publication of National Association of Pediatric Nurse Associates & Practitioners. 2013;27(4):242-50Gail Hornor, DNP, CPNP. Child Maltreatment: Screening and Anticipatory Guidance. Journal of...
In the Netherlands, screening for child maltreatment is mandatory in all emergency departments but it is unclear which screening methods are being used. As a first step towards implementation of a universal screening method across all emergency departments, we assessed the currently used screening metho...
Economic issues in the community response to child maltreatment. In: Mathews B, Bross DC, eds. Mandatory Reporting Laws and the Identification of Severe Child Abuse and Neglect. Springer Netherlands; 2015:193-216. doi:10.1007/978-94-017-9685-9_10 21. Australian Institute of Family Studies. ...
History of maltreatment and mental health problems in foster children: a review of the literature. J Pediatr Psychol. 2009;35(5):462–72. https://doi.org/10.1093/jpepsy/jsp114. Article PubMed Google Scholar Schmid M, Goldbeck L, Nuetzel J, Fegert JM. Prevalence of mental disorders ...
To obtain a copy of the Report of Suspected Child Abuse or Maltreatment form please click on the forms tab in this website or contact your licensor or registrar. Remember that within forty-eight hours after reporting an incident of child abuse or maltreatment to the mandated reporter hotline,...
The aggregated costs are truly stunning: for substantiated non-fatal child maltreatment, $428 billion; for investigated non-fatal child maltreatment, $2.0 trillion; for fatal child maltreatment, $27.8 billion. It is true, however, that Strong Communities’ method and goals are forward-looking (e....
Child welfare personnel conducted the Quick Risks and Assets for Family Triage (QRAFT), a three-question screening tool intended to identify housing instability and homelessness. The QRAFT requires users to assess family housing history, current housing arrangement, and current housing condition, on ...
(Parton,1985, p. 15). It was hoped that parent education would prevent child maltreatment. Critical professionals, who realized that childhood was a special phase of the life-span, researched and then catalogued child abuse into the four categories of: physical, psychological, sexual abuse and ...
Despite a cross-sectional design that prevents us from examining causal relationships, the findings can serve as a foundation for future longitudinal, qualitative and ethnographic research into the exploitation, neglect and maltreatment of children, allowing for the exploration of causal pathways. However...
strengthen at-risk families and prevent maltreatment; preserve families and ensure children's safety and well-being by providing services that allow children to safely remain with (or return) to their families; address problems of families whose children have been placed in foster care (to enable ...