COVID-19 Child maltreatment School closures “Teachers and school personnel comprise one of the largest groups to report child abuse ... On average, we are seeing an over 25 percent decrease in calls to our hotline since schools closed. That means many children are suffering in silence.”—...
Child maltreatment re-report among unsubstantiated but at-risk initial cases of child protective services in South KoreaJiyoung Kang
In focusing directly on reported maltreatment, our child protective systems may be paying too little attention to what else is going wrong in the lives of children and targeting intervention efforts in the wrong direction. When it comes to early maltreatment our child protective policy and practice...
The report, which highlights 2019 statistics from the National Child Abuse and Neglect Data System (NCANDS), showed that fatalities rose 4%. The statistics gathered from child protection agencies in each state indicated that the uptick in child maltreatment fatalities was broadly distributed, with 25...
This chapter first overviews child maltreatment and the importance of trauma to interpersonal functioning. The authors then review the literature on normative dating, including such factors as age of onset of dating, duration of dating relationship, and age of onset of sexual intercourse. As such no...
(2018) also demonstrated that CP was positively associated with violence outcomes in the young person, when controlling for other forms of maltreatment. Our findings support this unique effect between CP and aggression perpetration. Despite this, an increase in physical force (i.e., CP with ...
(2000). Child maltreatment in the United Kingdom: A study of the prevalence of abuse and neglect. London: NSPCC. Christensen, L. S., & Tsagaris, G. S. (2020)...
doi:10.1016/j.jclinepi.2017.06.012PubMedGoogle ScholarCrossref USPSTF Recommendation: Interventions to Prevent Child Maltreatment JAMA US Preventive Services Task Force November 27, 2018 This 2018 Recommendation Statement from the US Preventive Services Task Force concludes that the current evidence is ...
Economic issues in the community response to child maltreatment. In: Mathews B, Bross DC, eds. Mandatory Reporting Laws and the Identification of Severe Child Abuse and Neglect. Springer Netherlands; 2015:193-216. doi:10.1007/978-94-017-9685-9_10 21. Australian Institute of Family Studies. ...
As such, many children were at greater risk, because not only was the ability of community members to report maltreatment possibly restricted, (many South Africans do not have cellphones, or enough data or airtime to call or text child abuse hotlines or social workers), but also, many (not...