Stephen Coppinger, is a solicitor practicing in Walsh & Partners, Solicitors and Commissioners for Oaths, 17, South Mall, Cork. Email: Web: While every care is taken to ensure accuracy of information contained in this article, solicitor Angela...
Byline: FIDELMA COOKTHE son-in-law of Lord Deedes has gone on hunger strike in a row over access to his five year old son.Jeremy Whaley decided on his desperate protest after solicitors acting for his estranged wife Lucy refused to allow him to have his child to stay for Christmas.And ...
Thanks for the response, at one time I was taking legal action as I was getting legal aid at the time yet my ex convinced me that thing's would change as she could not afford the solicitors fees and I dropped the case. Things were good for a few months then once the case was ended...
Byline: FIDELMA COOKTHE son-in-law of Lord Deedes has gone on hunger strike in a row over access to his five year old son.Jeremy Whaley decided on his desperate protest after solicitors acting for his estranged wife Lucy refused to allow him to have his child to stay for Christmas.And ...
Chapman Tripp Community Committee Representative, and PartnerNick Lethamsaid, “There is a critical need for mental health support services in the Canterbury region – particularly given the events of the past decade. We think the work that Māia is doing in this space resonates ...