Translation and validation of the French version of the Child Perceptions Questionnaire for children aged from 8 to 10 years old (CPQ 8-10)Oral health quality of life, Children 8-10 years old, France, Reliability, ValidityBackground The Child Perceptions Questionnaire (CPQ) belongs to a set ...
Define Childline. Childline synonyms, Childline pronunciation, Childline translation, English dictionary definition of Childline. Childline. Translations. English: Childline n Allô enfance maltraitée. French / Français: Allô enfance maltraitée
Translation Spanish German French Italian painter pintor maler peintre pittore painting pintura Anstrich peinture pittura paintings pinturas Anstriche peintures pitture biography biograf�a Biographie biographie biografia gallery galer�a Galerie galerie galleria...
The quality of the attachment relationship was evaluated using a French translation of the Attachment Q. sort developed by Waters and Deane (1985). Analyses of variance showed similar nonverbal communication patterns in mother-child and father-child dyads in the dyadic context while in the triadic...
French use of Valet. Child-study.---The physical, psychological and educational development of children, from birth till adulthood, has provided material in recent years for what has come to be regarded as almost a distinct part of comparative anthropological or sociological science, and the ...
Manipulering as strategie in André P. Brink se Houd-den-bek It has already become a generally accepted platitude to assertthat the political novel under the influence of French philosophersJean Paul Sartre and Albert Camus has as its aim toexplicitly manipulate the concrete reader towards a "des...
CTP Communauté de Travail des Pyrénées (French: Working Community of the Pyrenees) CTP Certified Translation Professional (Global Translation Institute; Portland, OR) CTP Center for Theoretical Physics (various locations) CTP City Traffic Police (Pakistan) CTP Communications in Theoretical Physics (jour...
The Characteristics and Related Factors of Emotional and Behavioral Problems of Preschool Firstborn Children During Translation to Siblinghood in Chongqing. Chongqing Medical University. Yang, B., Liu, Q., Sheng, L. L., Huang, X., Li, Y. Y., & Fang, B. (2021). Emotional and behavioral...
aThe word Accountant is derived from the French "Compter' which took its origin from the Latin "Computare". As a proof of its derivation the word was formerly written in English "Accomptant", but in process of time the word which was always pronounced by dropping the "p" became gradually...