The article reports that practice nurses are preparing for the new autumn childhood pneumococcal immunization program in the U.S. A research conducted among 538 primary healthcare professionals found tha...
OurChildHealth andImmunisation solution manages comprehensive active electronic records for children, including immunisation rates and developmental checks. It supports local safeguarding teams as well as health visitors and school nurses and, at the population level, playsan important rolein public health....
health record book (usually with the client), the antenatal register, delivery register, postnatal register, and the Expanded Programme on Immunisation (EPI) tally booklet that captures data on tetanus–diphtheria immunization for women, as well as Penta1 and Penta3 immunisation for children [11]....
Clinical training and retraining for nurses Given the challenge of doctors providing treatment to a large number of people living with HIV, South Africa has adopted a decentralised approach, allowing other health professionals to prescribe treatment. The Nurse Initiated and Managed Anti-Retroviral Therapy...
To understand the roles of nurses with advanced training in paediatrics in the Solomon Islands, and the importance of these roles to child health. To understand how adequately equipped child health nurses feel for these roles, to identify the training ne
“Previously it was considered taboo for women to discuss obstetric and gynaecological issues with her husband. But since the training with the Enat Mastawesha we have learnt that everything can be discussed openly within the marriage, with health workers and even with friends. Due to these ope...
HJL and PP are affiliated to the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) Health Protection Research Unit in Immunisation at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine in partnership with Public Health England. The views expressed are those of the author(s) and not necessarily those ...
We then conducted a separate feasibility study, training non-specialist community nurses. Following the training, community nurses examined 2827 children <5 years with Arclight who were attending their clinics for growth monitoring and immunisation. Findings Diagnostic accuracy study: estimated sensitivities...
Botswana. The key challenges that emerge are: 1) insufficient financial resources; 2) lack of training, mentoring and supervision; 3) length of time required for effective IMCI consultations; 4) client expectation [6,7]. In order to improve child health care in Botswana the following was ...
Nurses make a difference in immunisation service delivery Aust J Adv Nurs, 28 (4) (2011), pp. 28-35 View in ScopusGoogle Scholar 28 KA O’Grady, V Krause, R Andrews Immunisation coverage in Australian Indigenous children: Time to move the goal posts Vaccine, 27 (2) (2009), pp. 307...