13 However, the bulk of the research in this area has been cross-sectional; thus, the long-term effect of food insecurity in childhood on health remains poorly understood. It is also unclear whether the childhood experience of hunger leads to its own adverse health outcomes independent of the...
Here we report a pooled analysis of 21 longitudinal cohorts from 10 low- or middle-income countries (LMICs) in South Asia, sub-Saharan Africa and Latin America, in which length and weight were measured monthly in children of 0–24 months. Our primary objectives were to produce large-scale...
N.Philipsen Hetzner, ...J.Brooks-Gunn, inInternational Encyclopedia of Education (Third Edition), 2010 Introduction: Poverty and Child Development In 2005, nearly one-fifth of America's children were living in poverty. American individuals and families are considered to be living in poverty if t...
Poor nutrition is responsible for the deaths of nearly 3.1 million children annually; this is half of all deaths in children under the age of five ("Hunger Statistics"). About 795 million people in the world do not have enough food to live a healthy, active lifestyle ("Hunger Statistics"...
For the purposes of population-wide attribution statistics, we also calculate the average effect of warmer ENSO in the average country, without separating the sample by whether warm ENSO leads to dry or wet anomalies (Supplementary Table 5). The average effect across the sample suggests that warme...
Childhood hunger continues to plague the United States. With a small grant from America's Second Harvest we began a weekend feeding initiative called the BackPack Program, which seeks to reduce hunger among school-aged children by distribution of ready-to-eat food in backpacks for participants to...
Nowadays, for people who have been married for a long time, sex is the minefield that separates them. Everyone feels they ought to be having it, ought to be enjoying it, that it ought to be an expression of their love. They are too tired for groundbreaking sex, but they hunger for af...
To maintain positive health outcomes over the life course, prevention efforts should begin early in childhood. Two research domains that significantly impa
is mostly for the baby's sake and provides much less libidinal satisfaction to the mother. It is clearly possible to raise children this way, particularly when they are very much wanted, but current statistics on childabuse suggest that in many cases, reliance on altruism for the establishment...
In addition, these programs often address issues of social inequality by ensuring that all children, regardless of socioeconomic status, receive nutritious meals (Gibson & Cornwall, 2016). In contrast, SFPs in developing countries such as Nigeria focus primarily on addressing hunger and malnutrition,...