TAGALOG Filipino TAMIL தமிழ் THAI ไทย TURKISH Türkçe URDU اُردو VIETNAMESE Tiếng Việt XHOSA isiXhosa Shareable and Verifiable Certificates Key Statistics Languages Through our multiple language offerings, we deliver Child Protection training directly to learne...
A friendly family-run practice –not a cold and heartless corporation All visa applications professionally managed by Jeff Harvie RMA (Registered Migration Agent) –not by unqualified local staff while the agent is back in Australia Our office and staff are here in Manila, Philippines, with easy ...
Kids Portal is a child-friendly web browser, where it aims to help parents to worry less for the safety of their children while surfing the internet. It is an easy-to-use and lightweight internet browser software. Kids Portal is an extra layer of protection to keep kids safe and prevent...