Bringing your child to the dentist before their first birthday can reduce the likelihood of tooth decay. Your dentist can check your child’s teeth for plaque and tartar formationbeforeproblems develop. Then, they can provide preventative dentistry techniques to help your child avoid cavities in the...
And for some people, anxiety around going to a dentist can create enough stress that mast cells begin to activate. Stress around a potential medical procedure needs to be well managed. Many of us have years of seeing doctors who tell us our symptoms are all in our heads, or we’ve bee...
As a mother of two young children, having your child eat more fruits and vegetables is always the goal. If you are like me, when my children were starting to eat solids, I could easily offer them various fruits and vegetables. They would typically take the food offered on their highchairs...
Larry D. Moore, Wikimedia Commons/CC BY 4.0 (background removed, outlined) eBay Don't Break the Ice Where anxiety began. Bumble Ball eBay Bumble Ball Beanie Babies Crocodile Dentist eBay Crocodile Dentist If you grew up to be a dentist, this may have been where it all started. Although,...
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Leandersson, let me explain what I find attractive when it comes to women in movies. I am not really one to fall into the mainstream male’s obsession with sex goddesses. There are many actresses out there who are indeed beautiful, but I personally find few of them attractive in the ...
I have had cavities filled without a problem, and lidocaine works well for me. However I know of people with MCAS who cannot stand the vibration and the noise caused from the drill. And for some people, anxiety around going to a dentist can create enough stress that mast cells begin to ...
I have had cavities filled without a problem, and lidocaine works well for me. However I know of people with MCAS who cannot stand the vibration and the noise caused from the drill. And for some people, anxiety around going to a dentist can create enough stress that mast cells begin to ...