Even with that, there are more kids in custody than beds in the county’s controversial detention center. July 24, 2024 When ‘Universal’ Pre-K Really Isn’t: Barriers to Participating Abound A lack of awareness, limited hours and a shortage of teachers are among the hurdles. July 18...
In general, courts try not to separate siblings when awarding custody. Unmarried Parents Where a child's parents were never married, most states provide that the child's biological mother has sole physical custody unless the biological father takes steps to have himself considered for custody. ...
Actually, like Canada, generally speaking, the family courts in the US have, in effect, not cared. This includes Florida family court, New York family court and New Jersey family court. More particularly, the courts have adopted the view that the parent obligated to pay child support has mad...
Florida Child-Custody Case Brings National Attention to Homemaker Dad.Brackey, Harriet Johnson
Find the right Child Custody lawyer in Florida. Simply describe your case and you will be matched to the top Florida Child Custody attorneys near you.
the child nor either parent continues to live in Florida, or if there are no “significant connections” (something more than passing through Florida or being temporarily present within the State), then Florida may not be able to exercise jurisdiction to make an initial child custody determination...
Florida child in custody dispute returns to biological mother
In the state of Florida, child custody is legally broken down into two separate components. Parental Responsibility defines the decision making rights regarding education, healthcare, and other major life decisions. Typically, it is ideal that these decisions would be agreed upon by both parents. ...
Parents who share custody of a child in Florida will need to have a parenting plan in place to protect their parental rights and enforce things like visitation and child support. These parenting plans, however, while they are legally enforceable court orders, aren’t set in stone, as they ca...
who took custody of her newborn daughter on false charges of drug abuse. We made a public appeal for an attorney to come forward to help Jennifer with her case, and I also reached out to my contacts trying to find one to help her, but none were willing to take on her case, so sh...