Get an understanding of Florida father's rights in child support. In the state of FL, child custody is a legal duty paid by both parents. Learn about your time sharing rights, child visitation, parenting plans, the child support calculator and other le
there has been a significant increase in the number of single fathers. Currently there are around 2.3 million single fathers in the US. The percentage of fathers to whom sole custody of the child has been
Are you filing fordivorce? Pursuingchild custodyorvisitation rights? Seekingchild support? DADvocacy™ Law Firm is here to help. With 34 years of combined experienced and offices in Miami and Celebration, our fathers’ rights attorneys serve clients throughout South Florida, aggressively advocating ...
Before the late 1800s, fathers had sole rights to custody, because it was closely tied to inheritance and Property Law. Mothers had no such rights. Beginning in the nineteenth century, courts began to award custody of young boys and of girls of all ages solely to mothers on the presumption...
Legal remedies for child abuse range from the incarceration of the offender to the removal of the abused child from the custody of parents or others guilty of committing the crime. With proper social and psychotherapeutic intervention, many child abusers can be helped. In fact, many emotionally ...
AtKNC Law Firm, we believe that fathers deserve the same rights as mothers. Ourfather’s rights attorneyswill help you fight for a healthy, strengthened relationship with your kids. Georgia’s family lawsthat govern property division, child support, and child custody all favor the parent that ...
We have represented countless clients in their child custody cases and have helped mothers and fathers seek sole legal custody or shared custody of their children. When your child’s best interests are on the line, you can trust that an attorney from The Law Offices of Saia, Marrocco & ...
Equal Justice for Fathers in Child CustodyI read with interest your Jan. 13 opinion piece "In divorce, men suffer too." As a licensed counselor and ordained clergyman, I have had ample opportunity over the years to meet with families dealing with divorce.U.S. Newspapers...
I moved to Florida and my ex now wants to modify custody as my daughter is fulltime college student living in MA. Help! Brette's Answer: If your child is in college, I am assuming she is over 18. Your custody agreement no longer applies since she is an adult. She can go where ...
parental authority or the concept of parental care in foreign law, such as German law, may better reflect parents’ obligations to their children. There was even a debate about the nature and definition of parental authority, and the relationship between parental authority and custody (Xiao 2017)...