One notable impact was the inability to travel, given that the project team itself was transnational, comprised of members from seven countries (Thailand, Cambodia, England, Scotland, Australia, Canada, and the USA). The project used a child-centred approach, keeping ‘the child in focus when ...
Woolfson, Heffernan, Paul, and Brown (Scotland) 2009 Young people's views of the child protection system in Scotland Experiences of children and young people about the CPS investigation and about improvements that could make the CPS more effective Semi-structured interviews 11 children (aged 12–17...
This paper sets out the main findings of an independent evaluative study of the same scheme, focusing on its impact on the way investigations were handled, the aspiration to make procedures more child-centred, and the development in practice of the concept of co-ordination. The study, described...
Several countries have started to look towards national policies focusing on childhood, the most prominent perhaps is Scotland and their governmental plan to give every child their best start in life (Scottish Government, 2010). We would like to apply the traditional principles of mental health ...
A positive self-image is closely linked to well- being and the capacity to succeed in school.11 Because of this, a child-centred curriculum needs also to be a family-centered curriculum. In this respect, an appropriate early childhood curriculum needs to balance between two pitfalls: denial ...
There were positive messages about putting the child at the very heart of child protection assessment and intervention, regardless of any impairment that a child may have. However, there was also concern that practice was at times parent-centred. Some participants appeared to be 'muddling through'...
The three groups of teachers trained since the publication of Primary Education in Scotland did not differ on the attitude scale, but were more favourably disposed towards the child‐centred approach than the two groups trained before that date. The earliest trained group was less in favour of ...
Winter, K. (2014). Understanding and Supporting Young Children’s Transitions into State Care: Schlossberg’s Transition Framework and Child-Centred Practice.British Journal of Social Work,44,401–417. ArticleGoogle Scholar Download references
This book provides a comprehensive review and analysis of the last fifty years of developments within child welfare since the introduction of the Childrens Act in 1948. The book explores a wide range of issues that are central to child welfare practices. The first section puts the practice debate...
Antenatal educators described the need for: a parent-centred, individualised approach; Continuity of Care (COC) and knowledge of healthcare professionals about a wide range of coping strategies. A parent-centred approach, whereby healthcare professionals are aware of a woman’s birth plan and prefer...