A holistic, child-centred approach to care is needed, allowing focus on pursuit of normal childhood activities. Improvements in accessibility, co-ordination, and availability of health services are required to achieve this.Coombes, LucyBraybrook, Debbie...
child-care child-care Child-Care Retention Incentive child-centered Child-Centered Play Therapy child-centred Child-Centred Approaches to HIV/AIDS child-directed speech child-directed speech child-directed speech Child-Driven Learning Environment
Implemented a child-centred approach to learning, adapting plans to cater to individual needs, resulting in enhanced child engagement and satisfaction. Work ExperienceCopy Child Care Coordinator Bright Horizons Family Solutions 05/2013-08/2015 Devised a structured play and education schedule that accommoda...
Individual semi-structured interviews were conducted face-to-face between January and June 2024. Data were analyzed through the qualitative content analysis approach. Results We identified 415 unique meaning units in the interview data, 332 of which were related to child-friendly healthcare practice ...
This book sets out a child-centred approach to foster care which argues against thinking about children purely from a psychological perspective and instead places children's views, rights and needs at the centre of care. It sets out the theory behind working in partnership with children who are...
Parents as secondary patients: Towards a more family-centred approach to care CHILD patientsPARENTSMEDICAL careWELL-beingCHILDREN'S healthThe definition of 'patient' is commonly taken for granted and considered as obvious, but the ... J Eichinger,B Elger,T Yi Jiao,... - 《Clinical Ethics》 ...
Stimulating childcare centres are one of the most fundamental aspects to create a functional establishment. Here are some ways to create a stimulating childcare centre. Stimulating Childcare: Designing A Child-Centric Layout A child-centred design should... ...
CARE - Culture-Centred Approach to Research and Evaluation 以文化為中心的研究和評估方法 社區 / 文化 CARE - Culture-Centred Approach to Research and Evaluation 以文化為中心的研究和評估方法 學術與科學 / 研究 CARE - Culture-Centred Approach to Research and Evaluation 以文化為中心的研究和評估方...
15A 24/7 district nursing palliative care helpline in fife, scotland: enabling timely, person-centred end of life care in the community The article focuses on the need for an integrated model of care is needed for children and young people with cancer. The underpinning principle of the rece....
Work-centred women are committed to work, while home-centred are committed to their families. The largest group of women, adaptive women, prefer both a family and a career. Family policies can facilitate home-centred women’s choices, while work-centred women are not affected. The adaptive ...