Casting "Louis and Ray," a short film. Synopsis: Louis is a closeted 16-year-old, raised in a Catholic family. Over the years he has grown distant from his parents, and tonight they have discovered his secret. Amidst this dysfunction, Louis finds comfort in the theatrical grump that is ...
he posits another mode he calls “being-with.” In this case,while participating in her [the character’s] existence, I remain situatedwith respect to her. In other terms, I do not engage my personal ‘ego’ inthe character. [She] remains before me, in a relationship of exteriority.I ...
'Incorrect syntax near' error while executing dynamic sql 'INSERT EXEC' within a function did not work 'Sort' in exuction plan is showing more than 90 % cost, what to do? 'TRY_CONVERT' is not a recognized built-in function name 'VARCHAR' is not a recognized built-in function name. ...
Which takes me back to that shift between Kramer and Cassavetes, it is quite interesting, it's like the film reflected its own polarizing subject, I don't think I would agree that these kids could grow normal without the help of adults and a mental structure, but again, Cassavetes works ...
19In two-story houses, thegynaikonitiswould usually be upstairs.”20The men’s dining-room, theandron, was located downstairs near the entrance, guarding the women’s quarters: “Here men in the family dined and entertained male guests…Vase-paintings do not depict Greek couples eating ...
How can i preserve values in a list when using recursive function calls ? How can I redirect a page after a javascript alert is clicked How can I remove space and hyphens from string? how can i run a method in a specific date or time ? How can I save an image using the image URL...
something in a concurrent sequence. They never really overlap in any kind of thematic way or inform each other; we simply keep cutting from the main action of the film over to whatever a less-important character is getting up to. It’s never anywhere near as funny, interesting, or ...
The last of these appeared around 1660 as [takes a deep breath] "A Warning for Married Women, being an example of Mrs Jane Reynolds (a West-country woman), born near Plymouth, who, having plighted her troth to a Seaman, was afterwards married to a Carpenter, and at last carried away...
CJ’s workshops have been widely praised since her first one, which took place near London, UK in 2005. Since then she has taught hundreds of photographers of all levels across the US, Canada, and the UK. She has critiqued artists worldwide through the magic of the Internet. Her students...
When the boy arrlves a t the age of puberty, he is in greater danger than a girl of being not only led astray by companions, but being actually :3nt into uncleah living by those near- est and axt interested in his welfare-HIS PARENTS. The reason of this is that there has been ...