BC省大部分托儿所都是有执照的注册机构(Licensed child care),这一类是受到当地健康部门监管的,在健康和安全、幼师资质、环境设施、幼师和孩子人数比例和课程设置方面都需要满足一定要求。 Registered licence-not-required child care: 这类机构是无需执照的,但必须在Child Care Resource and Referral Centre注册。注册...
Welcome to your child’s first classroom! We provide your children with a first-class early development education. Our center has 68 licensed spaces for Children ages 0 -12. Children learn best when they are happy and secure. Our Child Care Center, Pre-School and School-Age environments are ...
Little Hearts Child Care centre is a fully licensed child care centre located in Bear Creek, Surrey, B.C., Canada. We provide services of day care, before-after school care for children from 6-weeks to school age of up to 12 years in a well equipped and safe environment. We offer an...
Welcome to Episode 5 in Season 3 of our BC's Path to Universal Child Care Podcast. During this episode we welcome back a familiar guest, Sharon Gregson the provincial spokesperson for the $10aDay Child Care Campaign as it is time for an update.We are grateful to have Sharon Gregson, the...
BC gets a failing grade for affordable child care - News1130BC is the second most expensive province for child care and ranks lowest in the country when it comes to labour market participation of women with children under the age of 12, according to West Coast LEAF....
The Briar Patch Child Care Centre offers age-specific childcare to Chilliwack, BC, caring for children aged 3 months to 12 years. Tour our facility today!
Victoria child care. Find daycare centers and child care providers in Victoria, BC with current openings, reviews and ratings from parents
we've changed our name! We are now Peachland Child Care Visit our new website! Go to our New Website!
Montessori child care services including preschool and daycare in the Cloverdale, Langley and Surrey area. Children are taught through the Montessori methods and philosophy.
West Vancouver child care. Find daycare centers and child care providers in West Vancouver, BC with current openings, reviews and ratings from parents