Long Island Child Day Centers located in Nassau County, Suffolk County and the Hamptons, New York are to provide a safe, caring and fun environment that fosters teamwork, inspires excellence and encourages contribution by all team members to help children develop socially, emotionally, physically ...
Durham, NC: Research Triangle Institute; 1992. Report no.: No. PB-93-205649/XA. Shendell DG, Winer AM, Stock TH, Zhang L, Zhang JJ, Maberti S, et al. Air concentrations of VOCs in portable and traditional classrooms: results of a pilot study in Los Angeles county. J Expo Anal ...
and provides block grants to states, according to a formula, which are used to subsidize the child care expenses of working families with children under age 13. In addition to providing funding for child care services, funds are also used for activities intended ...
unintended consequences may arise “from translating social disparities into biological inequalities and reducing complex social problems to molecular codes”13. However, a potential advantage of understanding biological correlates of social inequities is that the impact of these inequities on health could be...
Los Angeles, CA and Durham, NC and Chicago, IL: National Center for Child Traumatic Stress and Chapin Hall Center for Children at the University of Chicago. Available at https://www.nctsn.org/sites/default/files/resources/special-resource/recommendations_for_trauma_informed_care_under_the_family...
Child care subsidy programs serve to reduce the number of families for whom child care is a barrier to work. Child care is essential to economic self-sufficiency, and it can also support child development, particularly for low-income children. However, most research has an urban focus so littl...
Mohammed had been helped or escorted from Iran to Calais by paid helpers and had travelled for months. Having crossed the territorial boundaries into the UK , the small group of child refugees of which he was part was taken into social care: ...
severe disruptive behaviors, internalizing problems, and global impairment in the child’s functioning. However, there were no significant associations between total number of ACEs and academic or social functioning. Notably, the prevalence of ACEs among this sample of preschoolers living in highly under...
Advisory Board 1993) was the member from southern California (DeAnne Tilton Durfee, then and now the executive director of the Los Angeles County Inter-Agency Council on Child Abuse and Neglect). The 15 members of the Board were appointed by the secretary of health and human services. For ...
Durham County Mental Health, Mental Retardation, and Substance Abuse Services, North Carolina William A. Harrington Child Health Center, The University of Texas Medical Branch Hospitals Moody School Unit, USA Gloria J. Honda Additional information At the time this article was written, the senior auth...