Consistent timing with highly seasonal rainfall helps in the planning of therapeutic programs, but seasonally targeted preventive interventions could benefit from a finer understanding of the mechanisms. In-depth analyses of some birth cohorts that contributed to the present synthesis suggest that multiple...
there has not been a review that systematically considers every gene that has been studied in relation to childhood aggression. The objective of this study was to systematically review the literature to provide a comprehensive summary and informed...
Maternal education might also benefit child health through assortative mating. Column 5 inTable 6shows that we find the expected positive association (the OLS estimate), but the IV estimate is insignificant. We also check that information on father's is not systematically related to maternal educati...
With young children's prominent exposure to digital media and differences in recommendations around children's digital media use by professional bodies internationally, this meta-analysis demonstrates the benefit of adult-child co-use during children's digital media use on children's ability to learn ...
Benefit Managers: History, Business Practices, Economics, and Policy Promoting EDI in Genetics Research PTSD and Cardiovascular Disease Red Blood Cell Transfusion: 2023 AABB International Guidelines Reimagining Children’s Rights in the US Spirituality in Serious Illness and Health The US Medicaid Program...
Evidence from this study also points towards the benefit of these policies being implemented or improved in China. In the current study, high parenthood anxiety was also found in both men and women. In particular, a high proportion reported the balance between work and childcare as their utmost...
Approval of proposed research carrying no “prospect of direct benefit” to the woman or fetus requires that the risk to the fetus be judged “not greater than minimal”. Fetal risk that exceeds that standard is permissible only when the proposed research offers a prospect of direct benefit to...
EMPLOYMENT statisticsEMPLOYMENT changesPARENTSCHILD laborAim: The aim of the article was to assess the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the employment rate of parents receiving a child benefit from the Family 500 program. Methods: The study used a set of scientific met...
Social support may benefit health and potentially reduce the detrimental effect of ACEs. For example, it was suggested that social support from parents have an important influence on adolescents’ physical activity-related behaviours [43], which can affect adolescents’ adiposity trajectories. Moreover,...
Table 1 Summary statistics. Full size table Distribution of Chinese test score. Full size image Distribution of mathematics test score. Full size image Distribution of English test score. Full size image First, we include three items about self-control to measure willpower, "I still go to schoo...