This study examined the relationship between child benefit payments on child outcome expenditures using longitudinal data from the Korean National Survey of Tax and Benefit (N = 3681 households) and a household‐ and year‐fixed effects regression model. We found that child benefit payments are ...
Linear growth is largely a proxy for nutritional and morbidity status and therefore, efforts to improve linear growth would mean more investment in enhancing the nutritional status and reducing the morbidities with a secondary benefit of improving neurodevelopment, school performance, and adult ...
Napping could supplement night sleep to benefit people’s health51. Insufficient sleep may lead to poor memory52. We may consider napping as a personal habit that may be physically and mentally challenging to change. Therefore, it is essential to examine the policy effects in the health domain...
Improving infant and child nutrition may benefit childhood growth, but adequate dietary intake alone does not eliminate growth deficits altogether, suggesting necessary additional implementation of measures to reduce pathogen exposure, such as through WASH (safe water, improved sanitation, and hygiene) [3...
it also means that we are not providing the data in an accurate manner and we are allowing stereotypes to be there. So sovereignty should not be seen just as protecting yourself for your economic benefit, but also you want to enable foreign players also to represent you in a way that we...
[3], who found that predictors of neuro-developmental illness and parent–child relationship disturbances could be identified in the first 10 months of life in children. There is also an economic benefit to early detection and thus the ability to prevent mental health problems in young children ...
Another benefit: Amazon includes a sharing link for Email, Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest. So help us spread the word in the English, Spanish-speaking, and hearing-impaired communities. Pluto is in Amazon Prime’s solar system and ready for easy and inexpensive viewing. May 2024 Bienvenido ...
Therefore, expertise in child trauma could benefit both adults and children, and inform the approach of professional teams. Hence, the decision to foster the care of returnees’ and their families during this highly vulnerable time, in the Children’s Hospital, and under the leadership of the ...
Findings from this study will drive public health policy changes in Cambodia, while lessons learned may benefit other LMICs where digital health interventions can be advantageous. This study has come at the right time when Cambodia’s MOH has committed to developing digital health innovations in the...
[80]. The impact of this mismatch may be compounded by the fact that mothers in the Moderate group reported an increase in child surgency from 18 to 24 months. This is a trend seen in other studies of mothers with depression such that children with higher surgency may benefit from more ...