网络儿童及青少年发展;青少年发展;孩童与青少年的发展 网络释义 1. 儿童及青少年发展 旧金山州立大学-美国本科硕士-... ... 化学 Chemistry,儿童及青少年发展Child and Adolescent Development, 汉语 Chinese…|基于8个网页 2. 青少年发展
《Child and Adolescent Development》是2007年出版的图书,作者是Bukatko, Danuta。内容简介 This new chronological edition is based on the well-established topically organized text by Bukatko and Daehler, Child Development: A Thematic Approach, 5/e. Addressing physical, social, and emotional development ...
Normal Child and Adolescent Development A Psychodynamic Primer——第1章 唐艺 心理学话题下的优秀答主3 人赞同了该文章 作者:Karen J Gilmore& Pamela Meersand 翻译者说:这是一本在2014年出版的心理动力学发展理论梳理的书籍。书籍的作者是Karen J Gilmore和Pamela Meersand,二位皆是私人执业的精神分析...
内容简介· ··· Organized topically to realistically present the three overarching perspectives that guide today's researchers and practitioners of developmental psychology, David Bjorklund and Carlos Hernandez-Blasi's "Child and Adolescent Development: An Integrative Approach, International Edition" shows ...
Child and Adolescent Development is an exciting, first edition that offers teacher education a new child development text organized with a chronological approach. This means that descriptions of the physical, cognitive, and social and emotional development of children and adolescents are spiraled through...
Child and Adolescent Development: Developmental Milestones & Nature vs. Nurture 5:24 6:51 Next Lesson Using Cognitive Development Psychology in the Classroom Piaget's Theory of Cognitive Development | Schemas & Examples 9:31 Assimilation vs. Accommodation | Definition, Examples & Impact 3...
In this chapter, we explore the idea that child and adolescent development is a moveable feast, across both time and place. This is aimed at providing a helpful perspective for considering the many texts and papers that do focus on 'facts'. We outline how our understanding of children's ...
《Normal Child and Adolescent Development》是1996年 Amer Psychiatric Pub Inc出版的图书,作者是Gemelli, Ralph。内容简介 Normal Child and Adolescent Development is an exceptional learning tool for beginning mental health professionals engaged in training programs to prepare for work with children, adolescent...
New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development 《儿童和青少年发展的新方向》是一本开放获取期刊,发表有关儿童和青少年发展领域的问题和概念的原创研究和评论文章。
期刊邮箱: 投稿网址: 期刊网址: 出版商网址: New Directions for Child and Adolescent Development《儿童和青少年发展的新方向》 (官网投稿) 简介 期刊简称NEW DIR CHILD ADOLES 参考译名...