Vignettes from simulated and actual child interviews guide viewers through sensitively gathering both general and abuse-focused information in a manner that is legally defensible. Faller shows how to gauge children's ability to report events accurately; which kinds of questions to ask and which to ...
Forensic Interviewing the Sexually Abused Child. [Third Medicin e is such a wide subject that it is inevit Editio n 1988] David P. H . Jones and Mary G. abl e that in any text book dealing with this sub McQuiston . Published by Gaskell — The Royal ject , there will be material...
The history of that a child gives to the pediatrician may be the single most important factor in determining if a child has been abused. Most children have completely normal anogenital examinations; very rarely is definitive forensic evidence obtained or a discovered. Physicians, in general, are ...
The purpose of the present study was to compare the respective relationships between two accepted standards of interviewing children who have been suspected of child abuse. The protocols studied were a non-structured interview protocol based on the American Professional Society of the Abuse of Children...
Caseworkers for child-protective services investigate abuse allegations most commonly by interviewing or visiting with the child, the child's parents or guardians, and other sources such as physicians and teachers. If an agent finds evidence that supports a conclusion that the child has been abused...
Child welfare investigators have come to expect access to interview children at school as a means to ensure their own safety. Court cases have questioned i
Gordon, B. N.,Schroeder, C. S.,Ornstein, P. A., &Baker-Ward, L. (1995). Clinical implications of research on memory development. In T. Ney (Ed.), True and false allegations of child sexual abuse: Assessment and case management (pp. 99-124). New York: Brunner/Mazel. ...
Some believe that, for the first time in history, we are beginning to face the true prevalence and significance of child abuse. Others worry that many people have become obsessed with child abuse and underestimate people’s responsibility for their problems while ‘blaming’ them on abuse and ba...
Child protection professionals necessarily engage in forensic interviewing, with psychological research strongly indicating the benefits of obtaining the maximum information in one interview and limiting multiple interviews (see Gilstrap & Ceci, 2005). Researchers offer that suggestion based on the finding ...
Jerome M. Sattler Publisher, publishes books on assessment of children, intelligence testing, behavioral assessment, interviewing, behavioral observation, clinical assessment, forensic interviewing, disabled children, and child abuse.