Kumar, Ruchi
Who was the first Chief of Army Staff of Pakistan? The Pakistani Army and Pakistan: Ever since its inception in 1947, Pakistan has been ruled directly and indirectly by the Pakistani Army. The Chief of the Army Staff is the most important person in Pakistan and it is he who rules the co...
Secretary of the Bombay Psychiatric Society (1979- 1980), Organising Secretary of the 10th Annual Conference of The Indian Psychiatric Society, West Zone Branch, At Bombay (1979), Executive committee member for the First International Conference of Community Psychiatry, at Bombay (1982), Past ...
1990-present, Secretary of Mycology & Phytopathology Branch of the Ukrainian Botanical Society. Biography Research Interest : Level of expertise: About 30 years’ experience in systematics and identification of conidial (anamorphic) fungi, including critical revision of type and other specimens from B...
Report of the Secretary-General on the information and communications technology (ICT) strategy, including the role and responsibilities of the Chief Information Technology Officerg UN-2 然后,联东办事处首席军事训练顾问和联东办事处首席警察训练顾问与东帝汶国防军指挥官商定了一项协定,这项协定规定允许国家...
the Secretary-General, the Principal Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General and the three Deputy Special Representatives of the Secretary-General on the legal implications of proposed policy decisions, as well as to ensure that the Office is responsive to the broad interests of UNMIK ...