They may put me in chief and then fire me as a chief. We’ll see.” Fans will have to wait and see what happens next at the firehouse whenChicago Firereturns for season 13 on Sept. 25.
Thom Porter is the southern region chief for Cal Fire, which is managing the major fires in Southern California. Porter joins "CBS This Morning" from California to discuss their biggest concerns, how wind is affecting their efforts to fight the
Southwest Airlines Flight Abruptly Rises to Avoid Another Plane Crossing Chicago Runway Pilots on a Southwest Airlines flight attempting to land at Chicago’s Midway Airport were forced to climb back into the sky to avoid another aircraft crossing the runway ...
Regional Fire Chief means the Regional Fire Chief appointed by the Lacombe Regional Fire Services Association Sample 1 Based on 1 documents SaveCopy Regional Fire Chief means the individual appointed as Regional Fire Chief by the Managing Partner; Sample 1 Based on 1 documents SaveCopy ...
The devastating wildfires in Los Angeles County broke out a week ago and officials say residents are not in the clear just yet. Chad Augustin, the fire chief of Pasadena, a city northeast of downtown Los Angeles that sits near the Eaton Fire, joins &quo
Twitter Google Share on Facebook Dictionary Thesaurus Medical Financial Acronyms Idioms Encyclopedia Wikipedia Related to Chief:Chief Joseph CHIEF, principal. One who is put above the rest; as, chief magistrate chief justice : it also signifies the best of a number of things. It is frequently use...
The Chiefmeans the Chief of theDepartment ofFire/EMS. Sample 1 The Chiefmeans theChief of Policeof the RidgelyPolice Department. Sample 1 The Chiefmeans the Chief of the SRFLeadership Council. Sample 1 The Chiefconstable" means thechief constableof theMinistry of DefencePolice and includesa ref...
Ex-W. Chicago Fire Chief Dies
The article reports on the search by the Marin County Fire Department in San Francisco, California of a progressive leader who can handle cultural, racial and gender diversity in the workplace. The department has three divisions, namely, Fire Suppression, Emergency Medical Services and Administration...