38And a superscription also was written over him in letters of Greek, and Latin, and Hebrew, THIS IS THE KING OF THE JEWS. The Penitent Thief 39And one of the malefactors which were hanged railed on him, saying, If thou be Christ, save thyself and us. 40But the other answering ...
Throughout the second period of the Umayyads, representatives of this family were among their most dangerous opponents, partly by the skill with which they undermined the reputation of the reigning princes by accusations against their orthodoxy, their moral character and their administration in...
In the New Testament, the word “saint” is used mostly by Paul in his letters. He uses the word about 45 times to designate Christians. The word saint is derived from the Greek word hagiazo. Its basic meaning is—to set apart, to sanctify or make holy. So a saint is one who has...
god 4 Godafoss 1 goggles 3 goggles 3 gold 6 gold fish 1 golf 11 golf balls 1 gondolas 1 good 7 good morning 3 Google 12 goose 2 gourmet 8 government 44 government building 27 Grafarvogur 1 graffiti 8 grain 15 grain car 1 grains 1 grandfather 1 Grandi...
15、aissancemeanstherevivalofinterestin.A.ancientGreekcultureB.ancientRomancultureC.theBibleD.AandB8. ThereasonsforthedeclineofrenaissanceinItalyare.A. warsandclassconflictsB. lossofsupremacyinworldtradeasaresultofthediscoveryofthenewworldandroutestoIndiaC. thetighteningofcontroloftheRomanCatholicChurch 16、...
Wen Ti also called Wen Ch'ang , or Wen Ch'ang Ti-Chün , Pinyin Wen Di, Wen Chang , or Wen Chang Dijun the Chinese god of literature, whose chief heavenly task, assigned by the Jade Emperor (Yü Huang), is to keep a log of men of letters so that he can mete out rewards and...