Chief Executive Officer (CEO)adalah jabatan tertinggi yang ada pada jajaran manajemen dari suatu perusahaan baik itu perusahaan dengan skala besar maupun menengah. Di balik suatu kesuksesan suatu perusahaan, tentu saja ada andil dari seorang pemimpin yang luar biasa serta memiliki bakat dan tentu s...
My feeling about executive bonuses is that any candidate for a chief executive job who even raises the issue of bonuses should be dismissed out of hand. —Henry Mintzberg 3 At the heart of any good business is a chief executive officer with one. —Malcolm Forbes 3 Ethics must begin at the...
Like the chief executive officer (CEO), the chief financial officer (CFO) is an important corporate player. However, compared to the role of CEOs, research on the factors influencing corporate innovation has paid very little attention to the role of CFOs. Based on the perspective of role theor...