Recently, new entity of gastric adenocarcinoma has been proposed which called Gastric adenocarcinoma of fundic gland type (chief cell predominant type). We might have showed those type of gastric carcinogenesis. Conclusions Chief cell in stomach have stem cell activity and potential to develop gastric...
The parietal cells, located in the fundus of the stomach, secrete a solution of 0.15 M HCl and 7 mM KCl, with traces of other electrolytes. The concentration of hydrogen ion in parietal cell secretions is greater than 1 million times the concentration in the plasma. The low pH of gastric...
What is the enzyme that is produced by the chief cells of the stomach? 1. What are the major cell types found in epithelial tissue? 2. What function does each cell type serve? Give examples of their locations inside the body. Which types of cells are responsible for gathering information ...
Which cells combat autoimmunity as their primary function? What are primordial germ cells? What does epithelial cells in an HVS indicate? What is a ciliated epithelial cell? What are circulation cells? What are B cells? What do B cells do? What are mast cells in humans? Which do guard cel...
Lgr5-expressing chief cells drive epithelial regeneration and cancer in the oxyntic stomach Lgr5-expressing chief cells drive epithelial regeneration and cancer in the oxyntic stomach. Nat. Cell Biol. 19 (7), 774-786.Leushacke, M., Tan, S. H., Wong, A., Swathi, Y., Hajamohideen, A....
Oxyntic atrophy in the stomach leads to chief cell transdifferentiation into spasmolytic polypeptide expressing metaplasia (SPEM). Investigations of preneoplastic metaplasias in the stomach are limited by the sole reliance on in vivo mouse models, owing to the lack of in vitro models for distinct nor...
Relax for a few minutes and let the benefit of this Mudra seep into each and every cell of your body. PAWAN MUKTA ASANA Lie down in a comfortable Shavasana and start to breathe in and out for an equal count of six or eight. To perform the single legged Eka Pada Pawan Mukta Asana ...
Surgery For Corrosive Injury Stomach Endoscopy , USG,BARIUM SWALLOW/MEAL Clinical Photograph Small Intestine Volvulus CT-Scan , X-Ray ABD Clinical Photograph,per-op photo Malrotation CT-Scan , X-Ray ABD Clinical Photograph,per-op photo Lap Adhesiolysis CT-Scan , X-Ray ABD Clinical Photograph,...
Here are 10 of the most common bad excuses for staying in a bad job. #1 “Things might get better” That jerk manager might be promoted out of there. That annoying co-worker could quit.That mound of overwork could suddenly disappear. On the other hand, things might also get worse. Or...
Chief cell plasticity is the origin of metaplasia following acute injury in the stomach mucosagastric metaplasiagastric epithelial cell functionmucosal injuryObjective Metaplasia arises from differentiated cell types in response to injury and is considered a precursor in many cancers. Heterogeneous cell ...