【每日绘本】Chicken Soup With RiceBookBooklLand 立即播放 打开App,看更多精彩视频100+个相关视频 更多1.8万 3 2:26 App 【每日绘本】小熊小熊,你看到了什么? Baby Bear, Baby Bear, What Do You See 3732 -- 1:48 App 【每日绘本】干枯的骨头 Dry Bones 5964 2 2:10 App 【每日绘本】Biscuit ...
Chicken Soup with Rice(1975) Video|4 min|Animation, Short Edit pageAdd to list Track Chicken soup with rice can be enjoyed around the world all year long. Learning the months of the year has never been so delicious! Directors Maurice Sendak|Merrill Brockway(as Merril Brockway) ...
youtubeA creamy, comforting and filling dinner. This chicken and rice soup, finished with lemon and parmesan, is a great way to use up leftover cooked chicken. A small amount of rice goes a long way!M, 视频播放量 300、弹幕量 0、点赞数 14、投硬币枚数 1、
Sipping once, sipping twiceSipping chicken soup with rice. In February it will be my snowman's anniversary with cake for him and soup for me! Happy once, happy twice happy chicken soup with rice. In March the wind blows down...
《Chicken Soup with Rice》(鸡汤米饭)这个绘本的旋律十分优美,而且内容很押韵。可以让孩子用唱童谣的形式,学会12个月份的表达。同时,绘本内容也十分幽默,一个小男孩子很爱吃鸡汤饭,并且一年四季都喜欢吃。 已关注关注重播分享赞关闭观看更多更多正在加载正在加载...
CHICKEN SOUP WITH RICE!! by Maurice Sendak -LIVE-READ w/Heidi & Millicent! - SEPT. 2024: Directed by Ken Pivak, Heidi Schooler. With Heidi Schooler, Millicent, Hilly the Faerie. Even though Maurice Sendak is most known for his classic children's book "WH
绘本故事《Chicken Soup with Rice(点读版)》- 适合 5-7岁 绘本《Chicken Soup with Rice(点读版)》,Harper Collins 绘本内容 VIP会员查看更多完整内容。 微信搜索「布克船长亲子故事」,关注领取价值128元VIP会员的3天体验期。
Chicken Soup With Rice A Book of Months 4.24万03:23 Chicken Soup With Rice A Book of Months 3.07万03:23主播信息 鹅妈妈英语启蒙 鹅妈妈英语启蒙, 微信公众号:shmothergoose ,致力于0-10岁小朋友的英语启蒙教育。每天会搜集英语启蒙方法、自然拼读、英语绘本、英语童谣、英语动画片等英语学习资料,提供最全...
《Chicken Soup With Rice:A Book of Months》 ☞《Chicken Soup With Rice:A Book of Months》是咱们共读计划(廖彩杏书单)的第47本绘本。 香喷喷的鸡汤拌米饭,小朋友们都爱吃吗?我们今天要读的这本绘本就叫做《Chicken Soup ...