A review on the impact of domestication of the rhizosphere of grain crops and a perspective on the potential role of the rhizosphere microbial community for sustainable rice crop production. Sci. Total. Environ. 2022, 842, 156706. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] [PubMed] Walters, W.; Hyde, E...
To make this delicious one pot recipe you’ll first season the chicken and cook it up in your pot. I like to use a deep skillet or myenamel cast ironfor all my one pot recipes because it distributes heat evenly and I can easily deglaze the pan and keep all that great flavor in the...
(i) enhance soil chemical properties, nutrient uptake, and grain yield of rice grown on a mineral tropical acid soil using agro-wastes; (ii) determine the agro-waste (chicken manure, cow dung, forest litter, andLeucaena) that has the potential to significantly increase rice yield; and (iii...