Dakgangjeongis a crispy Korean chicken nugget snack made from bite-sized, boneless chicken thigh pieces. These are coated in a sweet, slightly spicy, and sticky glaze. It’s quick to cook, making it an ideal snack or party food.
Now she’s out to take industrial-scale revenge on all chicken-kind with the Dawn of the Nugget,” said Fell. “We’ve had so much fun working with Miranda Richardson to transform Melisha Tweedy into the ultimate 1960’s super-villain. Miranda has a unique understanding of dra...
《炸雞奇遇記》改編自同名網路漫畫,內容講述「非凡機械公司」的社長千金「崔敏兒」(金裕貞 飾)意外進入一部神秘機器後,居然化身成一塊炸雞!其公司該公司的社長「崔善萬」(柳承龍 飾),聯合暗戀崔敏兒的實習生「白中」(安宰弘 飾),努力設法將女孩從炸雞恢復成人類,並在調查過程中意外揭開背後隱藏的驚人秘密。這部漫...
Netflix《一箱情緣》結局好看嗎?5個劇情彩蛋解析:藍寶石項鍊、艾草茶原來有這層涵義! 柳演錫&蔡秀彬《現在撥打的電話》7看點!假面夫妻「先婚後愛」,火辣羅曼史衝上Netflix排行榜第一 台劇《秘書俱樂部》線上看8亮點!曾莞婷挑戰「小三」演技大爆發,賴雅妍辦公室戀情直呼害羞!