Egg laying chickens need way more calcium than do non-laying birds. Your hens likely took a winter holiday, but are now coming back into lay with a vengeance as the daylength increases. Since Calcium is laid down on the shell overnight, and lay occurs in the morning, we are asking hens...
RDS Tough Guy Tour II: The Court Date We were a bit like a chicken with its head cut off." The allure of Ashton: the Royal Ballet brings the work of its founding choreographer back to the U.S. this month More results ► Idioms browser ? ▲ chew the scenery chew the/(one's) cu...
So… I used to walk on a guy for money. Prostitution? Maybe. Pedophilia? Nah. He had no clue I was only 16! It’s a New York Story, one of many… Enjoy!!! That video was taken in 2011, at a thing called Bawdy Storytelling. For 20 years Dixie De La Tour, Sexual Folklorist, ...
Earthquake in a Box EarthquakeInABox Eating Editing Ella Emailfag Emo MySpace Guy Encyclopedia Dramatica Epic Fail Guy Epic Win Epic Win For Anonymous Essays Etherchan Etherchan Contents Ever17 Everything2 EWFA Acknowledgments EWFA Bibliography EWFA Chapter 1 EWFA Chapte...
” Which means my prediction was right, they want Carnage to be the next bad guy. The, this movie has the balls to show an entire scene from the upcoming “Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse” movie with a tag of “Meanwhile, in another universe…” as a way to one day try and ...
Then he started working for a guy named Alex Jordan. He was a billionaire in the 70’s. Who knows how much cocaine was involved. Alex was building a house. On a rock. Thomas helped him. For a few years. Alex stiffed him. Thomas lost everything. His house. His business. His wife...
My barrow is based on this guy's design, with some slight modifications: is 4' x 10', but we already had a 3' x 6' sheet of plywood in the garage as well as some 8-foot 2" x 4"s, so we decided to make mine 3'W x ...
You jump on the blob then the next guy jumps and propels you high into the water. We’ll send Tito and Floppy Joe first since they’ve never seen the blob and don’t know how it works. Off we go. Looks like we’ll get to experience much of the camp today since it’s pretty ...
Chainsaw Chicken International, Ltd had thrown in a last minute bid to acquire the platform called TicTok and make it a totally domestic. His entry has thrown the high-tech world into a panic, Questions started swirling.Tim Cook from Apple Inc. “Who is this Chainsaw guy?” Others like ...
A few minutes later the owners walked the little guy in on a leash as I scurried around grabbing the necessary medications to make my anesthetic cocktail. He was a little uneasy about being somewhere strange, but was much calmer than my overactive imagination had made him. I heard the ...