These are the best backyard coops, including store-bought and prefab, for your chickens — from the big broods to the flocks of just a few.
Discover our wide selection of high-quality chicken coops and accessories designed to make chicken keeping easy and set you and your flock up for success.
For people who are serious about raising chickens, they’ll have no problem building large, complicated, expensive coop. But what if you just want to raise 2 or 3 just to save a little money on eggs and meats? Building those large coops would be a huge waste. This Simplistic Chicken Co...
like myself, I think few people choose to use tractors coops etc...because they think it is better for the chickens. they use them because , for whatever reason, they have to make compromises. lack of space. lack of funding. local ordinances or breeding goals etc... I think it is ...
not straight forward. I’d also highly recommend putting 1/4″ plywood on the inside of the coop and contact cementing 4 ft. x 8 ft. fiberglass reinforced wall panel Home depot sells, for bathrooms. All the Carolina Coops use this and it’s well worth the money for cleaning etc. Just...
but when Facebook fan Kelly V. enthusiastically vouched for sand’s performance in her chicken coops, I had plenty of sand on-hand already, so I figured it couldn’t hurt to experiment. Worst case scenario, I could scoop it out into the run and return to using pine shavings. Pine shav...
• BELOW: Home Depot buckets.— Beth Ann Henry Smith • BELOW: Freebies from my son’s work.— Christine Cowling • BELOW —Deloris Marie Bursott Mills • BELOW: I found some old large mailboxes someone threw away and cut the backs out. I mounted them in the front wall of my...
I cannot read building plans at all, yet I have built a total of 8 coops; don’t be intimidated! Common Questions About DIY Chicken Coop Plans If you are still unsure about using DIY chicken coop plans, you may have more questions that need addressing. The following should help give you...