这些词汇不仅丰富了我们的语言,更让我们能够更准确地描述和表达与鸡相关的各种事物和情境。孵鸡蛋/孵蛋: incubate eggs下鸡蛋/下蛋: lay eggs土鸡/放养鸡: free-range chicken鸡窝/鸡舍: chicken coop养鸡场: chicken farm鸡年: the Year of the Rooster属鸡的人: those born in the Year of the Rooster 朋友...
Everything you need for fresh, easy eggs at your backdoor! We want you to have the best possible experience keeping chickens. Coops for Every Chickeneer – Pick Your Perfect Fit! Whether you prefer stationary or mobile coops, we have the ideal solution for your backyard egg production. Hom...
the utility model provides a sylvan life free range chicken chicken coop can provide good ventilation for whole sylvan life free range chicken chicken coop, can get up collections such as excrement and urine, and the centralized processing reduces the trouble that breeder cleaned, can realize contro...
Define chicken run. chicken run synonyms, chicken run pronunciation, chicken run translation, English dictionary definition of chicken run. n the departure of white residents from South Africa Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th E
10. Easy Turn-Out Doors allows your chickens to range freely Other Great Features and Benefits: Built-in Roosts foryour chickens’ comfort. Built-in Ramp drops down to allow chickens access from the upper coop to the open bottom area. (Ramp is on hinges and closes by simply pulling a str...
If no outdoor range space is available, chickens should have more room inside the coop to spread out. Experts recommend that you have between8 and 10 square feetof room per bird if you do not have outdoor range space. This is important if you keep a winter coop, too, as it gives th...
Lionel built a coop so that they could raisechickensand have a supply of fresh eggs. 莱昂内尔做了个鸡笼,打算养些鸡,吃上新鲜鸡蛋。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 Uh , but what if I just tookpart of the brownie? 那么如果我只要一半杏仁饼 呢 ?
This quaint shed-row chicken coop features a secure, meshed free-range space, elevated sleeping quarters, easy access, wide cleaning doors, and cozy nesting boxes for egg-laying. Capacity16 chickens Dimensions10 x 12 Difficulty to buildIntermediate ...
1- Chicken Tractor Coop Design Made With Scrap Lumber Here are brief steps to build this chicken tractor coop. Take some parts of the lumber and make a basic coop structure. Use luan for the inner side, while outer side needs to be fixed with proper old cabinet doors. ...