In Conclusion As you can see, the depth and breadth of chicken breeds to choose from can be overwhelming. Hopefully, this article has helped you narrow down your choices. If you are looking for ideas for chicken coops, please check out my Backyard Chicken Coop Plans article for a ton of...
Egg laying chickens need way more calcium than do non-laying birds. Your hens likely took a winter holiday, but are now coming back into lay with a vengeance as the daylength increases. Since Calcium is laid down on the shell overnight, and lay occurs in the morning, we are asking hens...
St. Petersburg, FL.You can keep chickens, turkeys, ducks, geese and guinea fowl so long as they are confined to your backyard and that the chicken coop is clean. But…the coop must be 100 yards away from any residence. However, if you get your neighbor’s blessing, then it’s okay....