ALDI Facebook粉丝最喜欢的产品是什么? Fresh salmon Lamb shanks Buffalo chicken strips Coconut rolls Chicken burger patties Peach ice tea Sausages Southern fried chicken portions Honey mustard sauce Stir fry sauces Frozen fish Brioche buns Cheese Thai green curry Coconut rolls 澳洲新鲜事 原创文字,欢迎转...
Tuesday: Scrambled eggs, elk chorizo patties, leftover mashed potatoes, cucumber/tomato/feta salad. All of my children love feta cheese, which is interesting, since there are very few things that all four of them like, and feta seems like something at least one child wouldn’t want to eat...
Although much of the recent fuss has focussed on the presence of horse meat in some Burger King meals, and in budget burger patties and ready meals at Tesco, Iceland, and a few other supermarkets, as several reports have made the point, Irish and British inspectors also found traces of por...
but there are dozens of brands. Plant-based options in grocery stores include ground "beef," burger patties, meatballs, sausages, "chicken" nuggets, pot pies and stir-fry kits.