And, like other chicken breeds, Rhode Island Reds can slow down their laying process during the winter, as there is less exposure to sunlight. However, this is easily remedied by hanging lights in the chicken coop. Supplementing the light encourages them to lay more eggs, and adding extra ...
Dark brown chicken eggs are a striking addition to your egg basket. Sometimes known as “chocolate eggers,” chicken breeds that lay extra dark brown eggs will all interest to your egg basket. If you’ve ever wondered which chicken breeds lay fantastically dark brown eggs, you’ll be happy ...
not particularly noisy, high-laying, dual-purpose chicken breeds that take confinement well. They gave me 75 percent egg production—that is, a dozen chickens produced nine eggs a day while they were laying.
Some hybrid pullets start laying when they are 17 weeks of age, but most breeds take more than 26 weeks before they mature and start laying. Egg coloration ranges from white, brown, to greenish or bluish eggs. Other considerations when choosing the right chicken is temperament of thehen and...
Eggs Plymouth Rocks lay a large egg that varies in color from light to medium brown, sometimes with a touch of pink. The birds continue laying all through the winter with decreased production. On average, each hen will lay around 200 eggs per year. ...
some breeders have created multipurpose chickens that not only produce a lot of meat but alsolay a lot of eggs. Some are also friendly and make good pets. Some are considered rare breeds that are not readily available today but will prove popular with breeders looking for rare and unusual ...
Really? Some chicken breeds lay eggs with a pink color hue, and they’ll add interest to your rainbow egg basket. Pink egg shells come in a variety of pastel hues: salmon, baby pink, seashell, and sand (to name but a few). I think these eggs are particularly special, as pink isn...
Low Production- Silkies are not the best egg producers compared to other chicken breeds. A Silkie hen will only lay around 100-120 eggs a year and her desire to go broody can also interrupt her laying. Fair Weather- Silkie chickens don’t thrive in wet, cold, or muddy environments. The...
Buff Orpingtonlays 180 eggs in a year. But this breed may often become broody during the summer. That’s why it may lay fewer eggs compared to other breeds. However, if you’re passionate enough to tame Buff Orpingtons quickly, they can be a preferable breed. Once you have them, make...
The crest refers to the puff of feathers on the heads of breeds such as Houdan, Silkie, or Polish, and is also called a “topknot.” Feathers that curl rather than lay flat are referred to as frizzle feathers, and this term is also a common show category. The saddle is the part ...