圈养母鸡是一款十分好玩的休闲养成类游戏。玩家可饲养和管理一群可爱的母鸡,玩家需照顾母鸡的日常生活,收集鸡蛋,通过交易来获取收益。可爱的角色设计,欢快的背景音乐,十分的解压。每天都有各种的任务,完成后可获取丰厚的奖励。解锁更多的品种,让游戏体验变更加趣味。想玩的朋友千万别错过! 圈养母鸡游戏特色: 1、可爱生...
公鸡中的战斗鸡,冠军鸡中的鸡中霸王。应用截图应用介绍 下蛋冠军鸡是一款好玩的休闲游戏,世界上最能下蛋的鸡,看看它能够下多少个蛋,名副其实的下单冠军鸡,不间断下蛋,属于是超强的母鸡了。 游戏介绍 下蛋冠军鸡是一款融入了大量闯关元素的休闲益智类游戏,需要玩家在游戏里面进行小鸡的操控,才能更好的去下蛋,同时还...
正确的意思是:“因果难分的局面”。 英文释义: a situation in which it is difficult to tell which one of two things was the cause of the other. 译:两件事中的哪一件是另一件事的起因很难分辨的情况。 例句: It's a "chicken and egg" issue. 这是一个因果难分的问题。 3、chicken feed chi...
“play chicken”就是 相互叫板 比试胆量 举个🌰 He likes toplay chickenuntil his opponent gives up. 他喜欢叫板直到对手放弃 ✦ chicken and egg ✦ 先有鸡还是现有蛋的? 这个话题一直被议论纷纷 “chicken and egg...
Try with TestiPhone AppSafari review of Chicken And Eggs was written by Joe Seifi on February 13th, 2008 and categorized under Fun, Games. Page viewed 4083 times, 1 so far today. Need help on using these apps? Please read the Help Page. ...
“chicken and egg situation”字面意思是“鸡和鸡蛋”,但是,它还有“因果难分的局面”,英文释义为“a situation in which it is difficult to tell which one of two things was the cause of the other”。 [例句] 1.You need ...
不要简单地理解为“鸡和蛋的情况”, "Chicken and egg situation" 这个词组在英语中是一种俚语表达,意思是 "鸡生蛋,蛋生鸡",用来形容一个循环往复的问题,其中无法确定哪个是先发生的或哪个是引起另一个的原因。这个表达的来源可以追溯到一个古老的哲学问题,即鸡是先出生还是蛋是先存在的。这个问题没有确定...
" Chicken and Egg: Competing Matchmakers ," CEPR Discussion Papers 2885, C.E.P.R. Discussion Papers.Caillaud, B. and B. Jullien (2001) "Chicken and Egg: Competing Matchmakers," mimeo.Caillaud, B., B. Jullien. 2003. Chicken and egg: Competing match- makers. RAND 1. Econom. 34(2) ...
chicken and egg situation 不要简单地理解为“鸡和蛋的情况”,它其实来自于鸡和蛋的一个“世纪难题”,是鸡来自于蛋,还是蛋来自于鸡呢?这两者的先后是很难说清楚的,所以它的实际意思是“难分先后的;难分因果的”。例句:We can see that this problem is precisely a chicken and egg situation.我们可以...
Angry Chicken Egg Madness HD November 7, 2019 Angry Chicken throws eggs out of the nest, so you need to catch them all. In this game you will see many other types of eggs, like colorful and mystic eggs. You have to move the basket with arrow keys and collect all eggs that have been...