This album somehow went gold, based entirely on the name recognition associated with the cover image's high-rise logo. Its highest-charting single could do no better than No. 83. But13wasn't all bad. Jazzier asides like "Life Is What It Is" and "Aloha Mama" were simply subsumed by t...
After Chicago XIV suffered disappointing sales, Columbia bought the group out of the remainder of the contract and released Greatest Hits, Volume II, counted as the 15th album. To replace Donnie Dacus, Chicago had hired guitarist Chris Pinnick as a sideman. “Chris came closest to Terry’s ...
42.“Song For You”(fromChicago XIV, 1980) Chicago XIVwas the band’s lone new wave-era attempt at bucking its dance-pop approach in favor of a more introspective sound — an experiment that, of course, did not last — and Cetera’s intimate “Song For You” was this album’s great...
42.“Song For You”(fromChicago XIV, 1980) Chicago XIVwas the band’s lone new wave-era attempt at bucking its dance-pop approach in favor of a more introspective sound — an experiment that, of course, did not last — and Cetera’s intimate “Song For You” was this album’s great...
50. “I’d Rather Be Rich” (Chicago XIV, 1980) “Everything’s cool until you lose your money,” Robert Lamm sings on this slightly jaded album track — the content of which feels prophetic considering how poorlyChicago XIV,which peaked at a paltry No. 71 on the Billboard 200 albums...