Chicago Physical Therapists | PT & Injury Care If you, a family member, or a friend has sustained an injury, La Clinica is The Premier Injury Care Clinic in Chicagoland. Since 2005 we have specialized in treating people who have sustained work, auto, personal and sports injuries. Our focus...
Tidmore said his community was already in emergency mode when the U.S. surgeon general declared gun violence a public health crisis. "It should have been done definitely a long time ago. It's definitely a crisis," said Tidmore, "and I personally—based on the work that I do around pub...
Budin Law Offices, a trusted Chicago Personal Injury Law Firm, helps victims of car accidents, workplace injuries, and personal injury cases get fair compensation.
Preferences Statistics Marketing Show details Unclassified [#IABV2_LABEL_PURPOSES#] [#IABV2_LABEL_FEATURES#] [#IABV2_LABEL_PARTNERS#] Home»Meeting planners»Explore Chicago meetings»General tips for meetings»Chicago wellness activities for attendees...
In addition to providing legal counsel and case management, Peter regularly shares accident prevention tips and information related to roadway and workplace safety. He also offers his clients access to treatment and support to help cope with the devastation of injury or loss of a loved one. ...
Enhance, optimize, and sustain your health. As a Member at SHIFT, you gain exclusive access to world-class physicians, registered dietitians, physical therapists, and top medical experts in Chicago who work in collaboration. We provide an exceptional healthcare experience and lifestyle medicine focus...
Moreover, our personal injury attorneys fight for the rights of accident victims in a wide range of cases, such as motor vehicle collisions, incidents involving defective products, and construction accidents and other workplace injuries. We understand the difficulties that confront injured people and ...
Workplace exposure is most common in agriculture, coal, electronic manufacturing, and high-tech industries. The range of toxic chemicals can involve pesticides, the electronic clean-room environment, or even heavy metal exposure. While some birth defects are easily diagnosed, some of the effects are...
CATASTROPHIC INJURIES:A catastrophic injury is an injury that permanently prevents an individual from performing any gainful work. These injuries often place a huge burden on the victim’s family because of their serious, long-term effects. In addition, the lifetime expense of rehabilitation and med...
Jane Doe is clearly fictional, but these experiences are all too real. I’ve heard from too many parents who have tried, I mean really tried to make things work, but eventually they gave up. They begin to receive assistance and instead of working to overcome that assistance, they fall int...