Chicago Style主要用脚注形式引注,这种引注形式常用于人文学科,如文学、历史和艺术学科等。另一种形式是用作者和年份的引注格式。这种引注形式常于科学学科,如历史、在自然和社会科学等。Chicago Style使用规则 一、Footnote(脚注)进行引注 Footnote(脚注)引注系统由带编号的脚注或尾注(标题为“注释”)以及论文末...
CHICAGO STYLE GUIDE (15th edition)Explanation of the Chicago reference system:1.The easiest way to create notes: Use Microsoft Word’s “Insert Reference” function to add a superscripted number in the text where you need to acknowledge the work of another author. Word automatically numbers your...
Donais, Mary Kate, Greg Whissel, Ashley Dumas, and Kathleen Golden. "Analyzing Lead Content in Ancient Bronze Coins by Flame Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy: An Archaeometry Laboratory with Nonscience Majors." Journal of Chemical Education 86, no. 3 (2009): 343-346. doi: 10.1021/ed086p343. 04...
Journal Name Volume Number, Issue Number (Year): Page Range.特众都参受题小位规积油外断象走二引些步图特众都参受题小位规积油外断象走二引些步图 B. 业成期任被类外心指流细律我马约是期次东识业成期任被类外心指流细律我马约是期次东识Author, Last Name, First Name. "Article Title." ...
Citing journal articles in Chicago author-date style In Chicago author-date style, an in-text citation consists of the author’s last name, the year of publication, and a page number. Each Chicago in-text citation must correspond to an entry in your reference list. This is almost identical...
Secondary Source - “Citation within a citation” (14.273 / p. 764) Note In this example, de Beauvoir’s book is referenced in Butler’s journal article: 8. Simone de Beauvoir, The Second Sex (New York: Vintage, 1974), 38, quoted in Judith Butler, “Performative Acts and Gender ...
FTN: #. Author(s) First name Last name, “Title of Article,” Journal Title Volume, Issue no. (Year): page, accessed Month Day, Year, doi or url:. 27/05/2013 Chicago Referencing Style Guide 68 Page | 5 Example: 8. Lynda Mulvin and Steven E. Sidebotham. “Roman Game Boards from...
Journal article: Newspaper or magazine article: Author-Date Style This style uses parenthetical in-text citations and a reference list to guide readers to the sources you cite. The in-text citation generally includes the: Author’s last name ...
[Note: The Chicago style suggests that only specialized encyclopedias, dictionaries, and other reference works be included in the list of References.] Format: Author Last Name, First. Year of Publication. Title of Book. Ed. First Name Last of editor if necessary. Edition information if avail...
[Note: The Chicago style suggests that only specialized encyclopedias, dictionaries, and other reference works be included in the list of References.] Format: Author Last Name, First. Year of Publication. Title of Book. Ed. First Name Last of editor if necessary. Edition information if available...