No.1 – Chicago Style 在Chicago的两种格式中,书名和期刊都要用意大利体,其他的标题要用引号括起来。每一部分中间都用逗号相连。 上图范例是 Chicago 的 NB format,图表右栏的三项内容分别代表: 1)Note style 是最基础的引用方法,在 NB format 中,它会出现在每页的最下方,对应文中的数字角标。 用中文来说,...
Chicago style allows either footnotes or text citations (also called in-text citations or the author's last name, a brief title, and the page number of the quotation. Title page of the first edition of the Chicago Manual ofStyle (1906) citations are usually placed just inside a mark of...
例如:A similar study was done of students learning to format research papers ("Using APA," 2001...
It’s one thing to memorize the precise format for your sources’ information, but it’s another thing to know the precise formats required by APA, MLA, and Chicago style guides. Because different styles have different citation formats, we thought showing you some citation examples in research ...
See sections 17.58 and 17.157 of the printed version of the manual for details. For documents and situations not listed here, see the printed version of the manual orChicago's official websitefor a list of frequently asked questions about "Documentation" and other aspects ofChicagostyle....
Important:APA and MLA can change their formats, so you'll want to ensure that these format versions meet your requirements. You can create your own updated version of a style or build custom styles. For more information seeBibliography & Citations 102 – Building Custom styles...
MLA (Modern Language Association) style is used in the humanities and liberal arts. It also uses...
How to Cite a Research Paper in Chicago Style The following are Chicago style formats to follow: Source TypeCitation FormatExample Book Last Name, First Name. Title of Book. Publisher City: Publisher Name, Year Published. Brown, Dan. The DaVinci Code. New York: Scholastic, 2004. Magazine La...
Due to the serial nature of the posts on a blog, the citation format for this type of source is similar to that for a newspaper article. This guide will show you how to cite a blog post in notes-bibliography style using the 17th edition of the Chicago Manual of Style. You can find ...
(apa style, chicago author-date style) “works cited” page (mla format, chicago author-date style) “bibliography” page (chicago notes and bibliography style) these pages contain all of the information necessary (such as author, title, and publisher) for someone else to find the material ...