Chicago Style实际上有两种形式: 第一种是脚注形式,这种引注形式常用于人文学科,如文学、历史和艺术学科等;另一种形式是用作者和年份的引注格式,这种引注形式常用于科学学科,如历史、自然和社会科学等。第一种脚注形式更为常见,因此我们在这里详细介绍。 1.书籍 脚注格式: First name Last name, Title of Book (...
1. First name Last name, ed.,Book Title(City: Publisher, Year Published), page number. Bibliography: Last name, First name, ed.Book Title. City: Publisher, Year Published. Citation Example: Note: 1. Hideaki Suzuki, ed.,Abolitions as a Global Experience(Singapore: NUS Press, 2016), 46...
[Note: The Chicago style suggests that only specialized encyclopedias, dictionaries, and other reference works be included in the list of References.] Format: Author Last Name, First. Year of Publication. Title of Book. Ed. First Name Last of editor if necessary. Edition information if avail...
FTN: #. First Author(s) First name Initials Last name, “Title of Chapter,” in Book Title, ed. First name Initials Last name (Place of Publication: Publisher, Year of publication), Page. 27/05/2013 Chicago Referencing Style Guide 68 Page | 4 Example: 6. Michael Sheringham, “...
Chicago book citation Italicize the book title. If the book states an edition (other than the first), include this and abbreviate it (e.g., 2nd ed., rev. ed.). Add the URL if you consulted the book online instead of in a physical copy. ...
How to Complete In-textCitations/Notes Chicago Style Firstname Lastname, Title of Book (Place of Publication: Publisher, Year), page number. Example:.citations in APAChicago styles
In addition to including an in-text footnote, include the work in a bibliography. Below is how to cite a book in Chicago style in a bibliography: Author Last Name, First Name.Book Title: Subtitle. Edition (if applicable). Place of Publication: Publisher, Year. ...
Chicago Style with In-Text Citations Chicago (or Turabian, after Kate L. Turabian) is the style of the University of Chicago and has its own unique set of rules for composing and documenting a paper. Chicago comes in two different forms, one using notes and a bibliography and one using ...
“last name, first name initial,” as in “Shakespeare, W.” Titles use sentence-style capitalization, which means only the first letter of the first word in the title (and subtitle, if applicable) are capitalized. If the book edition is relevant, place it in parentheses after the title....
Continue with the Chapter Title in quotes, followed by in (Notes) or In (Bibliography), followed by the Title of the whole book and the Editor. Two editors in Notes: After the edited book title, type in: ed. followed by the names (e.g. ed. Anne Carr and Mary Stewart). Two ...